Our Friends


A platform to reframe caregiving.

LocationBoston, MA
Type#Brand Identity #Tone of Voice #Guidelines #Digital Design #Website

Dedicated to honoring caregivers.

US based Archangels is a national movement and platform. Reframing how caregivers are recognised and supported, the platform provides valuable resources and insights. Passionate and data-driven, Archangels partners with government bodies, national employers like Walmart, and local communities to uplift the caregivers in our lives.

Caregivers are heroes.

By fostering a sense of unity, Archangels strives to build a strong network that empowers caregivers, amplifies their voices, and creates lasting change. Archangels Work is a sister platform launched to help caregivers re-entering the workforce receive recognition for the time they spent caring for loved ones. Caregiving is work experience that should be celebrated and rewarded. “You weren’t unemployed. You just had another job.”

The holistic well-being of caregivers is intrinsically tied to the well-being of the entire community.
Alexandra Drane, Founder

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